Homebrew Antenna (update)

Knowledge gained so some improvements.

During my use of Dr Google, I can across an antenna termed "DesPole" and I found the technical aspects of this very interesting. Detail was mentioned to another OM who mentioned the same to other OM's over the air.

Some interesting feedback back was received.

Was Des now making his own antenna designs ? 

Guess there would also be a Trevor design, a Hans design so it was laughed off as being a joke

Well do a Google search for "DesPole" and see what you find. It should be similar to the picture below

Taking some aspects of this design, part one of the antenna has been built. 

I needed some antenna supports and found a local supplier who provided me the supports (see below) at a 45% discount. Amazing what being "retired" can get you.

Off to the local aluminium supplier and bought some "off-cut" flat pieces. 

They had to weigh the pieces and calculate a price. The boss just asked "how much would you like to pay", well a good price was negotiated.


An improvement was made to the connection block of my 10M; 20M and 40M inverted-vee antennas. I fitted "wingnuts" and a support to hold the antenna wire during windy conditions. You see the wire broke at the connection point one windy day.

I have also made a "field station" inverted-vee antenna for the same bands. 

Switching across bands is manually done using a "crocodile clip" at the join of 10M to 20M length for 20M band and then 20M to 40M length for 40M band with 10M to 20M already connected. 

Antenna is tuned for 10M, then 20M and then 40M using a SWR meter by folding back excess wire till SWR is equal to 1.0

Very easy for me to use as I raise the antenna with rope using the eye bolt fitted to the connection block. 

To change band, simply drop the antenna for a brief moment, connect "clip" and then raise antenna. Check if SWR okay and then continue QSO's on selected band.